Surprise, Grandma!
This last weekend, Mom, Garrett, and I made a trip down to Burbank to surprise my Grandma for her birthday. She was very excited and thanked us for making the trip for her.
This last weekend, Mom, Garrett, and I made a trip down to Burbank to surprise my Grandma for her birthday. She was very excited and thanked us for making the trip for her.
Well, after a long time of dreaming (about 6+ years), I finally can say I've ridden a Seadoo! And boy was it fun!!! I drove most of the time (to my great delight), and enjoyed myself thoroughly.
We were given an hour to rent the Seadoo at Bass Lake, and I actually thought I could drive that thing the whole day if I could, but I was glad to be given the time that I had. We went at the end of the season, so the lake was pretty much ours.
The guys who instructed us how to control the Seadoo, said we could do pretty much what we want, go as fast as we want, but if we wanted to fool around and make donuts and such, to do it within the "Jet Ski Zones" that were set apart for that purpose. And that we did. Garrett started driving first (I was sitting in back of him), and took us to the first of these "zones", where he made donuts, whirlpools, etc. and successfully freaked me out.
After about 10 mins. of playing around, he let me drive. After getting used to it, I found MYSELF making donuts, whirlpools, and jumping off waves that I had made. To my own astonishment, I also found myself speeding the thing up to 50+ miles an hour! Garrett cheered me on from the back, squealing gleefully like a little child, when I would get the Seadoo to jump off the waves. It was truly a great experience - especially since I was in control :)
After going around the lake, we made a switch at the dock - Garrett off, Dad on. I showed Dad the "awesome Seadoo skills and techniques" that I had learned and took him for a spin (he said he'd rather not drive, so I took full advantage of it!). After going half-way around the lake, we returned the Seadoo :( Our hour was up, and I felt I was just getting started! ;)
Now that we were done Seadooing, we had a "lunch-dinner" at The Forks restraurant in Bass Lake to finish off our outing - which was delicious.
6:45 PM