Monday, May 21, 2007

Birdie Tribute!

Here's a collage of pictures (young and old) of our little birdies! Some of you have seen them in person, but for those who haven't been to our house, here's a bit o' a glimpse of our pets :)

Here's my little Bub! He's a gray cockatiel and 7 1/2 years old. I got him as a birthday present from my family in 2000 when I was 12. He's been my best "Buddy" for a long time now. In this picture, he's quite fascinated in himself.

Buddy LOVES playing Scrabble with the family!

Yes, there's the mirror again! He LOVES to sing to himself :) Sometimes when I take a shower, I take him with me and let him perch on top of the sliding shower door. Most times he just fluffs up and relaxes, but OTHER times when he sees his reflection on the mirror, he'll sing and sing and sing, and it feels like I'm in a tropical rain forest! :)

Taking a shower! When it gets warm, I'll take Buddy out and give him a nice shower using a water spritzer.

Ah yes, our little Budge (he was an English Budgerigar)... He passed away when he was just 3 years old due to pneumonia. He caught it at the change of the seasons when drafts are able to sneak in and give the birdies a chill. He was the best bird we've ever owned (we've owned 4 in total... two have died). He was so smart and said most anything and everything you could think of. Later on I'll post some videos of the birds talking and singing.

Budgie adored me and said "good-night" to me every night before I covered him to go to bed. Whenever Garrett or Mom brought him to me, he would run over straight to my face and give me kisses and say sweet nothings :)

There's Budgie and Buddy together on top of Buddy's cage near our window seat. Some days we would open the blinds and let the sun hit them for a bit for some vitamins.

Little Budge taking a bath!

Another shot of him taking the same bath with Kiwi watching in the background.

Buddy helping me sort coins :)

Are you running off with that one?!

Eating a tortilla ;)

Budgie usually helped me with Science, but since he had died, Buddy took over that position. Budgie LOVED Science and History. I would read the text out loud and Budgie would stand right at my mouth and just LOVED the vibrations that my words made. It was so cute! We all thought he was "soaking in every word" and just loved my curriculum :) I guess you just had to be there ;)

Kiwi! She's an 8 (approximately) year old Senegal that we adopted into our family just four years ago. My aunt on my Dad's side of the family was giving her away because she felt she needed too much attention that my aunt couldn't give her. So, because we love birds and want them to have a good home, we took her up to Oakhurst with us and she became one of our new "flock" members. She's pretty much Mom's bird, because that's the only person Kiwi likes!

Mom massaging Kiwi's feet! Well, those birds HAVE to be tired of standing on their feet 24/7! Wouldn't you?

What in the world? Silly bird!

Buddy and Budgie on Kiwi's perch :)

Kiwi playing with a wad of paper.

All hail Prince Budgie!

There's our faithful Humming Bird! He was our constant visitor one year for the longest time. We nicknamed him Hummer. He wasn't scared of us at all. At one point when Garrett was putting up the feeder with new food, Hummer sat down and started drinking it in between Garrett's arms! He was very cute :)

Well, that's all the good photos I have on the computer! I'm sorry I made it so long, but I thought you'd enjoy our pictures ;) I've also included two videos below of Buddy and Kiwi doing tricks for those who have endured my bombardment of photos! Enjoy!




Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

New here,

I'm spending my time here for the kids of Haiti.

I'm doing my part for a non-profit organization that gives time to
creating an oppurunity for the kids in haiti. If anyone wants to give money then this is the place:

[url=]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti

They provide kids in Haiti a positive outlook through education.

Yes, they're a real cause.

Any help would be great