Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day & Mom's B-Day!

Sunday was a busy day! We celebrated the Lord's day, Father's day, AND Mom's birthday all in one! For Father's Day, we made chili dogs for Dad (his special request); Mom asked for homemade Cookies 'n Cream ice cream; And in the afternoon we spent an hour singing songs unto the Lord for His Day =)

Let me back up a bit though, so you know what our day was REALLY like on Sunday ;)

At 10:30am we visited the Becker's morning church and enjoyed a sweet time of singing and praising the Lord, and Jeremy blessed everyone by speaking about Fathers (well, it was Father's Day!). We weren't the only ones who visited the Church of Christ in our circle of friends, though! We enjoyed seeing the Polachs, Buggs (Cherie's mother came too), and Callis' as well! After church, we invited the Buggs and Cherie's mom to spend a few hours over at our house for a BBQ and fellowship. Here are some pics to show for it! ;)

Heidi and Leslie keeping Garrett company

Gettin' ready to grill 'em onions and zucchini!


Leslie and Heidi under the umbrella!

Mom, Cherie, and Diana.

Dad and Heidi


Ah yes. Our Father's Day gift for Dad! A new shirt! Who in the world are those kids on the sleeves?!

Even the back has something to say :)

Well, that's about it for Sunday. We just relaxed the rest of the evening, ate the requested homemade ice cream, and played some games before bed. It was a lovely day for everyone =)

I'll post again when other events take place ;)

Monday, June 11, 2007

Late Update (again!)

I'm sorry everyone! I know I'm a terrible "blogger" and I don't give you many updates, but things have been rather hectic around these here parts the last couple weeks. Garrett, my Mom, and I have all put together websites on the net that's caused a bit of commotion and a lot of hours of research and design on our part. So yes, I've neglected all my devoted readers for the sake of personal interest ;)

Garrett's website is pretty much an informational "how-to" computer help site with awesome weekly how-to videos on practical and fun applications to aid in your internet experience. Really cool! Check it out sometime ;)

Mom's website is a support site for those who have Hashimoto's Disease and thyroid problems.

My website is a growing database for Biblical names and offers a weekly newsletter with in-depth studies (for those expecting babies, or for those who are just in love with names like me!). Stop by sometime and have a peek! ;)

So there you go. That's the best I can do at this time :)

Oh, I forgot! Here's a bit o' a glimpse into the next few weeks!

We'll be having our friend Diana up this week from down south for a week or so, and then when we drop her off at the station in Fresno (for her trip back home), we'll continue down to Springville for the weekend to visit with some of our friends. When we come home, we'll have a week to get "back into the groove" of things until my Grandma comes up, on the 3rd of July, and stays for 1-2 weeks or so (or until she can't stand us anymore! ;) ).

As these visits take place, I'll upload some pics and let you know how things go up here :D

Take care and God bless!